Managing Director/ Chief Executive …
We are a premium lending and venture capital firm offering robust financial support to individuals, business executives, civil servants, small business operators and HNIs that need financial buffers to meet their personal and business needs.
We also offer investment opportunities to HNIs and business entities who are constantly looking for secure and alternative investment opportunities that can further create wealth for them. We achieve this through our highly professional and courteous team using top-notch technology and processes that are friendly and convenient.
We pride ourselves as premium financial service providers offering sustainable growth and investment opportunities to the financially discerning. Premium Wealth Global Resources Ltd started business operations in 2015. We are a duly registered micro-credit and investment home with (RC Number-1259324) by the Corporate Affairs Commission (C.A.C) of Nigeria.
We offer money lending, investment, and financial advisory services to the financially discerning. We pride ourselves on offering premium services that help you grow wealth and sustain progress. We are duly recognized as a member of the Association of Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions of Nigeria.
We are committed to meeting our customer’s needs at the quickest possible time
We are committed to meeting our customer’s needs at the quickest possible time